On September 15, 2008, Renán Almendárez Coello – “El Cucuy de la Mañana” – aired his last show from SBS’ regional Mexican KLAX-FM 97.9 “La Raza” in Los Angeles.
In a statement released by the host, Almendárez said he will now focus on building his own radio network.
The Los Angeles Business Journal’s Joel Russell interviewed Jacobson to discuss Renan’s exit.
“Where you had one big host years ago, now you have three going for the same audience,” said Jacobson, then the associate editor at Hispanic Market Weekly newsletter in Miami. “Renan was the oldest of the three in terms of content and his ability to bring in new listeners.”
But El Cucuy was eclipsed by KSCA-FM’s “Piolin por la Manana” and Que Buena’s “Don Cheto.”
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