Veteran journalist, multicultural analyst and Hispanic market strategist Adam R Jacobson has been named Editor of Hispanic Television Update, the widely read monthly electronic newsletter published and distributed by B&C/Multichannel News.
Jacobson’s appointment as editor is effective with the October 17, 2013 newsletter.
“I’m thrilled to be covering the Hispanic television industry for Broadcasting & Cable and Multichannel News,” says Jacobson, who has covered the Hispanic television industry extensively through his independently produced Hispanic Market Overview reports distributed via a partnership with leading Hispanic marketing and advertising trade newsletter since 2010.
“Spanish-language television continues to attract the lion’s share of advertising dollars. Beyond the big networks operated by NBCUniversal, Univision and FOX are entities including Liberman Broadcasting’s Estrella TV, SBS’s Mega TV and successful independently owned and operated channels such as America CV. Additionally, there are roughly 72 cable television channels serving Spanish speakers in the U.S. Plus, there are English-language networks dedicated to reaching Hispanics, such as NuvoTV and the soon-to-launch Fusion. It’s a very exciting time for Hispanic television, and I’m excited to have a bird’s eye view of the industry.”
Jacobson covered the 2013 Hispanic Upfronts for in partnership with B&C/Multichannel News, serving as editor and chief content producer for the Post Hispanic Upfront Television Guide, electronically distributed by both HispanicAd and B&C/Multichannel News in May 2013.
Jacobson is also known for directing the expansion of Hispanic television and media coverage while at Hispanic Market Weekly, launching as editor the HispanicEntertainmentBusiness section and serving as a chief reporter covering the Hispanic TV industry for the trade publication’s weekly newsletter.
Jacobson also brings to B&C/Multichannel News’ Hispanic Television Update unique marketing and advertising insights gained from his role as Multicultural Analyst at global market research firm Mintel. “Knowing how marketers and advertisers can best craft their advertising messages and media buying and planning strategies when targeting Hispanics requires the best and most succinct coverage of the Hispanic television industry. My goal is to make the monthly newsletter a must-read for not only Hispanic television executives, but also for CMOs and C-Suite executives who insist on achieving ROI in the best and smartest ways possible.”
Jacobson started his career at Hispanic Magazine, serving as an intern before joining the editorial staff. He later assisted in the launch of Latina Style Magazine, and served as Publications Editor for the American Translators Association. Jacobson then relocated from Washington, DC to Los Angeles, joining Radio and Records’ editorial staff. He progressed through various positions of greater responsibility at the former industry trade publication, becoming a recognized national expert in Spanish-language radio, music and pan-Latin marketing strategies.
Jacobson has been interviewed for his radio-industry experience on NPR, Wisconsin Public Radio, and ABC World News Tonight and as a Hispanic marketing expert by Agence France-Press and the Los Angeles Times. As “Jake Adams,” Jacobson has also served as a guest air personality at Lincoln Financial Media’s WLYF-FM “Lite FM” in Miami.
Jacobson will continue in his role as a Hispanic market media strategist, working with various clients in capacities unrelated to his work for B&C/Multichannel News. He will also continue to work with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as a recruitment specialist for its fundraising programs.
Jacobson is based in South Florida.
Adam R Jacobson