Hispanic Market Overview 2015 Now Available For Marketers To Get ‘Back To Basics’

Sixth annual Hispanic Market Overview state-of-the-industry report now available.

Presented by Lopez Negrete Communications




Produced by Adam R Jacobson with exclusive distribution from HispanicAd.com

hmo2013Hispanic Market Overview 2015 builds on the insights and observations provided each business day in HispanicAd.com and in the November 2014 Hispanic CMO Thought Leadership report.

Hispanic Market Overview 2015, presented by Lopez Negrete Communications, is a  detailed overview of the state of U.S. Hispanic marketing and advertising, delivered complimentary via digital download in a new easy-to-use flipbook format. Get the facts, thoughts, ideas and knowledge to propel your company’s multicultural outreach.

MAIN TOPICS: A Focus On the Fundamentals: Why targeting Hispanic millennials means retaining–and growing–your Spanish-language media buys; Hispanic media and the “OTT” opportunity; The overall state of Hispanic advertising: data overview and analysis; economic outlook and visibility

AUDIENCE: Client-side marketers, advertisers and brand managers; Hispanic media (TV/Radio/Print/Digital/Social platforms); Media buyers and planners.

CIRCULATION: HispanicAd.com eBlasts to more than 25,000 unique industry professionals, linking readers to download page at HispanicAd.com. Bonus promotion at AdamRJacobson.com, including full Google SEO platform, Twitter, LinkedIn and press release distribution to U.S. consumer and business media.

To download your copy, click here: http://reports.hispanicad.com/reports/HMO-2015/

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