DMG Solutions CMO Offers Ideas On Navigating Today’s Media Mix


Marcelo Salup, Chief Marketing Officer of multicultural advertising and marketing firm DMG Solutions, doesn’t want to discuss “the demise of media.”

In Salup’s view, all media is additive. “They are all real … we need to get over them.”

Salup also refuses to talk about specific vehicles, such as Facebook or Twitter, when discussing effective advertising.

“Advertising is only about modifying people’s habits,” he told nearly six-dozen attendees on December 3 at the Versailles Breakfast Club in Miami’s Little Havana. Addressing the local business professionals, Salup added, “The moment you start forgetting about [modifying people’s habits] is the moment you start to forget advertising.”

Salup’s bottom line: Advertising and marketing professionals should always try to modify something about their target audience’s buying patterns. This can be done through the creative expression of ideas. With this focus, the pressure of finding the right vehicle to deliver the best message is eased.

“It is what I tell you … not where I tell you the message,” Salup says. “It is not about the media. It is about the creative. What does media do? It delivers the message.”

Stressing the importance of content, Salup continued, “Content is what really engages the consumer. From a media perspective, it is about delivering the message to the right people. And, it is about delivering the right message.”

Salup also believes that all messages “lead to one” — that is, it is ultimately up to one single person to decide whether or not to act on what they see or hear in an advertisement.

“All media goes into one place,” he says. “It goes into your brain. It doesn’t matter where it is coming from.”

That’s why Reach Wins, Salup concludes. “Loyalty is a far second to reach when it comes to effectively reaching consumers,” he says, citing the advertising research study “Why Brands Grow,” jointly conducted in 2002 by the University of Houston and the University of Central Florida.

Among the other key points Salup shared with attendees:

* The most effective media plan is boring.

* Putting more money into a single medium is inefficient. You won’t get effective results.

* Ask yourself, “Does the message fit the media?”

* Listen to the audience, not yourself.

Salup reasons, “We could care less about our own opinions [at DMG]. All we care about is what the consumer thinks.”

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